Saturday, November 27, 2010

3. Ode to that Potato Man

Sometimes I wish you were all like me
Mister man made of potato
An interchangeable expression to match
The mood which I want to project
A set of eyes, a smirk or hat
A mustache or a big red nose
A compartment neatly tucked away
Where all the unused pieces go
No matter the mood or thoughts inside
A different face behind I can hide
Of me you think you knew
But I will tell you this
You don't,
You know who I let you do
So be more like me and hide the truth
Put on that grin and the eyes so bright
And hide the truth with all your might

1 comment:

  1. Turn me once, I'm such a display!
    Turn me four times and you'll soon lose your way
    The colors are beautiful messy and smeared
    The corners don't match and the sides disappeared
    The pattern to solve me is lost on a noob
    But once figured out I'm the Rubik Cube
